Sunday, February 27, 2011

Affect A Helium Balloons Change In Buoyancy

... And the Oscar goes to ...

went late last year, the 'Beauty Oscars "by the beauty blogosphere - they were blog entries that I particularly read like. In most cases, that is THE favorite products were simply presented and something I find extremely exciting. Somehow I'm not then come to my favorite products also excel with the 'Beauty Oscars', the Christmas season has been very stressful for me and in January I thought it was somehow inappropriate;) so it is today, along with the Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, my "Beauty Academy Awards 2011"!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly introduce to you, Anni's favorites of the favorite - the famous one and only bestowal of the Beauty Oscars!

care category

first Body Care: ... And the Oscar goes to the Weleda hand creams ! I'm a little cream and Cremefauli me very rarely from head to toe, so I have no favorite body lotion. Since the hands but also to the body are in the personal care I give Oscar to my favorite hand creams. I like all three happy, they differ in the richness, but together they have sustainable maintenance. Click here to go to the reviews: sea buckthorn and pomegranate-, Citrus Hand Cream .

second Skin Care: ... And the Oscar goes to "alverde Eyebright Eye Cream" ! The facial care, I'm also not easy, especially in the winter my skin dry and sensitive and seems to me that she did not know what she wants. The alverde Eyebright Eye Cream has always ( short review ), so they deserved the Oscar beauty in things Gesichts-/Augenpflege. After all, they have accompanied me since 2008!

third Hair Care: ... And the Oscar goes to "Logona Conditioner Spray ! I am currently very variable in terms of my hair, but I like the conditioner spray consistently and it will certainly also bought later, it's worth to be empty. I use it but not after every wash, more like every 2-3 washes. To review once click-here-!

color cosmetics category

4th Complexion: ... And the Oscar goes to "alverde Compact Powder 050 Terra ! woefully neglected in the winter, I've used it before 2 or 3 weeks and since then discovered daily. As a bronzer it gives me a little too bright, as a compact powder a little too dark and too schimmerig - it is somewhere in between and make my complexion look healthy and alive when I left and right on the E3 region behalf (temples, cheeks, jawbone in an e-or 3-move - depending on whether left or right) was applied . Sometimes I wear it solo (-swatches-), sometimes combined with rouge, and more recently on love with the new correction of alverde powder pearls.

5th Cheeks: ... and the Oscar goes to the "alverde correction Powder Beads with exclusive Juwelenmix" ! I currently replaced my Rouge - I currently with rouge (even if it is applied discreetly) quick look after Glühbäckchen. I have only 2 weeks but it has catapulted a phenomenal speed in my heart. fehlkonzipiert For the whole face, it looks magical applied only on the cheeks. Here's my little idea -click-

6th Eyes: ... And the Oscar goes to "alverde enchanted forest LE Eyeshadow" and "alverde Mineral Eyeshadow ! 01 Nude Rose the eye Oscar must share two / four products, the Magic Forest eye shadow, I wanted to start not buy, because I have so many similar colors -. Now, however, these my favorites and I am every time again happy that I have yet bought. Most of all I like the "310 Magic Sand", followed by the "311 Magic Sage" and the "312 Magic Brown" (-swatches- Magic Sand and Sage) To This ! Miner Alli shade I must really say much more - Best Color Ever Blending The Review-here-there

7th lips ... and the Oscar goes to "Dr.. Hauschka Lipstick Novum in 04 Nature Shimmer " ! Even for this product, I must say really not much when you read the review -click- for me just one of the best lip color looks in general. The lipstick in the tube rather brownish from, it connects to the application with its own lip color to a lovely Rosenholzton - big love

8th nails! ... and the Oscar goes to care "Logona Nail Repair Health "as well as the Colour-Oscar to " p2 Victim Color Nail Polish 208 Rich & Royal " ! Two different Ocsars nails, because I just could not decide:) I love the Nail Repair cure, because I really see results with it on my nails - unfortunately, I have used only sporadically in recent times and you can see it in the constitution of my !. nails: (must be in the future, they more often are used they will also soon bought later because it is almost empty review In terms of color get the p2-paint "Rich & Royal" the Oscar from me - my mostly worn paint, I can not see the color so sick

Category Specials

9th The ultimate product. ... And the Oscar goes to "AVERDE Cover Stick 01 Naturelle" ! My little eye circles-hide:) I have already praised him several times, for example here and here ! I have also bought later it before, the first has held for a year, the second's is probably not as long ... He has already become quite small, got the second for 6 months.

10th The honor - Oscar ... And the Oscar goes to "my Pandora bracelet ! Yes, I was thinking back and forth, but ultimately it is my favorite accessory and jewelry has become. Short-term have I considered, Mr. F's iPad honor, because I so love on the couch surfing and it is a fun pastime, but eventually it is not mine;) and my Pandora bracelet is considered much prettier and me even a tiny bit dear:)

How To Adjust The Belt On A Pavt234aww

every Sunday ... Week 8 ~ 2011

In the last week but I have actually written my last exam. Four of them were in this winter semester. A lecture, hitherto a term paper and 4 case studies. On 18 March, I must still submit an essay (topic: System ergonomics) and at the beginning of the summer semester, I still write a Nachschreibeklausur. A retreat in the "Quantitative Methods: market research," sounds great as it is, because actually behind it only a very contemptible Statistics - Introduction to the theory test, regression analysis, variance analysis, Diskrimanzanalyse and cluster analysis. Well, I will probably have no other choice and in the holidays to be a little hard. Without time pressure, and simultaneously make sense to have 5 things, but this is quite enjoyable.

Since Wednesday, I dwell with my loved ones and let me go well. A bit lazy, you have to be too up and down - how beautiful that time I wrapped the weekend on Friday with a congested throat, headache and slight fever on the couch in blankets lay
-.- Yesterday's happened to me again better (no fever), now it is something worse, but not to compare with Friday.

first . Monday to get panic because I could not feel anything for my exam: (I do not like feeling stupid
2nd Tuesday written exam - was rather so-so ... I'm probably not as a born Wirtschaftsinformatikerin
third was then working. - I love my job
was fourth down to fifth with Mr. F Mr. F
eat sushi and walk around -. latest additions to a black-and-White-Party bought (black 10 € ballerinas of H & M ) .
6th Not for B / W Party left because I stayed with a fever on the couch.
7th Saturday evening, but went to a farewell cocktail drinks - alcoholic easy for the still ailing Anni.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do You Get W2 For Disability

Small alverde yield and new emergency brush:)

Yesterday I was allowed to examine perceived 100 years ago for the first time the new alverde counter. Beautiful she looks. Big and full and bright and friendly and finally not at ground level! Since I Mr. F had it, but I have everything in focus and only briefly reviewed. When testing the Duo Highlighters I was wrapped in a glittering cloud of dust at its best was bought oO

test without much and Superior nail care cream containing apricot. It was only once screwed and investigated for illegal Patscher test. The first impression is great. Smells good, makes the cuticles smooth, absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy fingers. Another positive, I find that it is suitable not only for troubled cuticles, but also for brittle nails. My nails are currently viewing is not good, shatter regularly and could use an extra dose of care well. The nail care cream smells very nice of apricot, but it is a rather subtle and very natural smell - I like! I will soon be time to introduce my nails and test until then a little further. Then there a more detailed report on nail care cream.

alverde apricot nail cream € 3.25

have already 1 1 / 2 weeks I correcting powder pearls from the "... my perfect day!" LE get hold of and alverde therefore, they could also test a bit. The beads should be that of the standard range, however, identical in terms of the ingredients. advertise for the LE-beads with an "exclusive Juwelenmix" - said that the goji berries extract from the standard range and are therefore anti-Aging and the LE not included. What it is simply marketing and what corresponds to reality, I do not - in any Case, both variants smell the same: slightly sweet with a distinct audible pitch note. Grass as green meadow or grass;) getting used to, but me cares, since it really only smells when you put your nose into the pot. When applying and then you can smell anything.

I have chosen for the version of the LE, because they cost € 0.50 less than the AA pearls from the standard range, and because I think the green lid prettier than the silver. I wear the beads, only on my cheeks - either alone or through my blush or bronzer as an extra highlight. On the Dös'chen is indeed "for a perfect make-up Finish ", but on the whole face as finishing powder coated, do not like me. The beads sparkle is not, but it is already a pronounced sheen present and especially on my nose it looked greasy and not good. Love on the cheek I but the effect - very, very nice application I do the beads with the essence Rouge Brush Included are beige-brown, pink and gold beads

alverde LE correction powder beads € 3.95
also purchased yesterday, all the brush who is worthy of the dm drugstore. I 'after this post in September for the third time my brushes home forgotten and now I was tired of it. So were a pair of "emergency Brush bought living now with my loved ones and rescue training for my happiness are.

Ebelin eyeshadow brush (round) Ebelin € 1.15
alverde Eyeshadow Brush for Mineral Eye Shadow € 2.95
essence powder & blush brush € 2.75
essence LE Metallics Gel Eyeliner Brush € 0.95
Professional eye shadow brush and € 2.95
Ebelin Professional Make-up sponges with dual effect € 1.75

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crazy Things You Have To Do In A Sorority

Feierabend group 16/02/2011

With a week late, I am now finally gotten around to writing the report of the celebration evening group. The Verpätung is a reason, because I am from Friday to Sunday located with an enormous headache and fever in bed! I felt pretty weak and powerless. Thus, a flu cut a pretty much all forces, but it's getting better day by day! However, I am still not accompany the celebration evening group and spare me a little.
Last Wednesday we had a sensation! The first time we have Lefty's had more than normal Biks :-) More specifically, said this means: 4 Lefty `s, 2 normal bikes and a bike Thömus :-) This unique constellation, we have made in the direction of Schwarzkopf. Not once but twice, will have all the black heads from both sides made uncertain and the trails with the Guide's Raymu Ändu and enjoyed. At the end there was in the restaurant view in Zollikofen the fine, homemade Gnoggi! Was very fine and are highly recommended!

I hope I can be there again next Wednesday and may post a slightly longer report!

Conclusion: 36.4km / 632Hm
route on GPSies: here

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Homemade Plywood Dinghy Plans

Jura Cross 12/02/2011

did on Friday night I spontaneously decided the Jura Cross, which last year published Ride Magazine was to go! We are already the trail last year in May, driven before, which I published in this report . The Jura Cross begins in Olten, via the Belchenflüe that Spitzenflüeli the Gempenturm down to Basel.
The first ascent of the Belchenflüe has it all. From the station you Olten escapes quickly from everyday life and the first Forest Trail is a steep uphill. As I set off early in the morning, I could enjoy the first rays of the sun to the fullest. Since the whole last week was beautiful weather and the temperatures were mostly above freezing, I hoped for an ice-and slush-free trail. At the highest point (1100 Belchenflüe M.üM.) led up a forest trail. Only in sheltered places the road was a little icy, but passable. After about 1.5 hours and I had already reached 700m the highest point. To platform high-live a few cast in stone. The view was fantastic despite the slightly turbid!
made after a short board and a few snapshots I au the way towards the top of the village Chlizimmersattel, Lauchflue and Sennenhöchi! After about half a minute and 100 meters, then laid me hats also the first time ... After a curve and a stream ran across the road, which was frozen nicely. With a few bruises on his arm and thigh I started but still continue on the path. I knew what awaited me yet :-) The forest trails are right down to Oberndorf genail simple and leads to various military bunker over. The middle part of the upper village to Seewen is rather boring, and have been on asphalt roads. With more preparation time, one could certainly still knows other alternative routes between einbauen.Ich not as described, but the forest trail from Seewen on the ridge is over as far as the upper Gempen simply hammer it! Mega-giga-hammer-geil! The trail is about 5.5 km long and navigable for all bikers! With verve and vigor I left the trail without snapshot behind me :-). Too good to stop and take pictures ...
to Gempenturm there will be only a few meters before the next hammer Trail leads down to Basel. Last year was the Trail of Gempenturm down muddy and difficult passable. Today was the exact opposite. The surface was dry and extremely grippy. So I was not the only biker who wanted to enjoy this weather and the trails. The last departure is the Jurassic Cross the icing on the i! I recommend any biker this magnificent tour. Using the bike path leads directly then finally to the station.

2-3 times I had to push the bike but just because a few spots were still covered with ice. If you wait a couple of weeks will be mobile for the experienced biker everything. There are few technical points that requires the less technically gifted click-in/click-out the bikers.

Conclusion: 51km / 1400Hm / Time: 3h 22min
route on GPSies: here

Letter Of Reference To Study Abroad

Before the winter is over ...

have ... I between more quickly constructed a
shawl collar to the production of wool Rödel:

Template: Model 25 - collar Rigato
Colour Number: 3652
No. 8 circular needle, 60cm cord
and for the neck a short 35cm.
material consumption: 110g

I mainly during the lunch break it knitted
and earlier this week started ... is so quick and beautiful knit
"in between"! :-)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cashmere Slippers Banana Republic

dance Now all doll ....

... this is just wonderful:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Zero The Dog From Nightmare Before Christmas

Feierabend group 09/02/2011

Our guide Ändu today probably drawn the best lot. He was allowed with 5 beautiful women on the training ride :-) The three of us made ourselves in the other group with a fast Raymu Uettligen loop on the way! The woods and trails are now largely cleaned up by the wood-work and continuous section. The trails loop through the Uettligen are flowig and do really fun! Unfortunately, I had the opportunity not to shoot a few photos because we were fast, and did not break, so to speak :-) Finally, we are then arrived even before the group in the restaurant with Ändu view, what we did then maybe time to think! After about a quarter of an hour he finally has arrived with his 5 girls one :-)
Raymu Thanks for the super exciting trails!

Conclusion: 39.7km / 500HM / travel time 2h 13min
route on GPSies: here

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nicky Clarke Curling Iron 18mm Uk

training goes to plan

Since then I've signed up for the Strongman Fisherman `s Run in Thun, have I have a goal in mind and the motivation is increasing more every day for training! With a average cost of training 12-13 hours a week to make initial success noticeable! Since I have only started this year with regular jogging, I can cover the 8km with a good pulse on average but already in 35 minutes. However, the FSR but not 8km 16km (2 laps of 8km) with 20 obstacles to tackle per round. I increase the distance every 2 weeks to 2 km, which increases the training effect and the condition. Also come 2 times a week workout with strength and stamina to the obstacles that I also, to pass under or can :-) The weekend tours and the celebration evening group must not be neglected. After all, is the end of April the first Bike Marathon in Riva on Lake Garda I would like to complete with my blog-mates Marco . The intense bike workout begins in early April after the FSR!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ways To Masterbate In The Shpwer

Double concentrated weekend tours

What a fantastic evening this weekend! Although ideal and pleasant conditions prevailed on the slopes, I opted for the biking. On Saturday morning I decided to make the trails on the belts and the Ulmizberg uncertain. At pleasant 8 ° C I've made myself at 08:30 on the path towards belts. I would not start so early, if I had settled not play at 12:30 to even badminton. However, I still prefer the cooler temperatures in the morning! Also by this time some hikers were traveling direction belts. The last departure from the Trail belts need to Köniztal much skill and courage! The base is a bit softer and the trail but already extended. The Ascent of Ulmizberg is from belts classic known and so brings with it a few beads of sweat :-) But the efforts are worthwhile, the exit is just terrific! So grand, that I fought like a second time on the mountain.

showed on Sunday, the weather, as well as on Saturday already, its best side! With a colleague we decided spontaneously to drive the trails of the previous day again. The trails on the belts under the same conditions were passable. However, the document was a bit muddy and slippery, as we are only left at 10:00! On Ulmizberg it was then a real mud-slinging and the tires were already zugelehmt and watch any more. Thus, no profile -> so no Gripp -> Schittelpartie! Powers verschlammpt we chose a slightly different way back. Unfortunately, I have the entry of the last trails, lively account of reforestation, not found on the previous day. The entrance was hard to find, have not found him but then :-) The upper trail was good mobile. At the bottom we were then forced to carry our bikes, because a frozen creek driving impossible. With dirt and mud covered, we drove back home and treated ourselves to a shower :-)

Summary Saturday: 46.5 km / 1062Hm / Time: 2h 51min
route on GPSies: here

Conclusion Sunday: 32.1km / 883Hm / Travel Time 2h 30min
Put on GPSies: here

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nero Vision Express Serien Nummer

half time!

The first Mojo sock is finished! :-)
undressed it looks quite nice from verschwurbelt,
really beautiful messy ...* laughs *

At the foot of the acts but relatively normal:

The second is already in progress ... this is fun, the to knitting. If yes
not thought it possible that I (!) Knitting socks times ...!