Sunday, January 23, 2011

Implantation Bleeding, Pink Mucus

The first sock is nearing the end ...

Hach, so I can not believe it!
Stricklegasthenikerin Steff has it in her old age but now
yet learned how to knit socks! * Grin *

This is the practice sock, the heel is worked out immediately:
(* knock proud of the shoulder *)

fits Up to this point you ever perfect, now only a foot
knit and lace ... I can throw myself to the new wool
achievements ......

The thicker wool is of course not for socks,
which is another shawl collar,
for which I bought me yesterday a guide have. Nicely
I find the lines, the colors are sooo beautiful:

This is the way to be my next project:
wool dyed with natural dyes themselves. This excites me a long time and I have to try
a try. At least I
work in a botanical garden and
we have some dye plants, which will be then test him some day.
small at first I read the book and dye plants make me familiar with the subject mainly
stain. Then, the year of plant material collected
.... because then I will already do it.
Next winter is then dyed wool, previously is determined before the
nothing, because at some point so we go the garden season. Then you will
me more in the open ;-)



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