Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Play Pokemonon Mac

leftovers and socks anticipation

have between I once again what crochet.
I'm not sure what I'll start with the part.

Maybe I felt it a with white wool and embroider it then
gives the structure of the rods and knobs determined
an interesting effect.
is currently on it a color matching Räucherpilz:

Otherwise I am glad that I found this after some searching
wool socks again:

I once had ... but I could not knit and crocheted socks
have it:

was, however, the 6 thread-like - now I have 4 threads,
does not matter, for knitting that's fine.
:-) But it will still take a while until I can knit the wool
, because right now I use
the "Water Games" by Opal to Mojo Socks:

This is really something for me ... looks gorgeous from crazy.
am now even a good deal further than in the photo.

a nice weekend everyone wants


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