On Wednesday we start in freezing temperatures with our guides and Ramyu Ändu towards Chutzenturm. All were covered with warm clothes and helmet lamps. Ändu led us back by many beautiful trails through the almshouse and Tannwald. When it started to snow yet, the trails were even more slippery and harder climbs. With snow, the view is rapidly worse and the oncoming snow make it difficult to have open one's eyes completely. However, I am really looking forward to the coming celebration evening groups and the
all the snow trails! Good tip: If a cold on the feet is click-in/click-out just a turnout from the pedals. A large proportion of these cleats, which the cold lead in the shoe. After the snowfall was getting stronger and our heat reserves were small, we decided to drive back towards Zollikofen. Through the trails of the Buechwald we went back. Fortunately we have a local guide as Ändu, I would have found their way back after the first few miles are no longer :-)
Conclusion: 45.3km / 598Hm
route on GPSies: here
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