Summery Saturday Tour in November!
What a weekend! With short pants and Longsleeve einenm thin we have made our way towards the belts and Ulmizberg. Despite the rain from Friday the ground was easy to drive and grip. As I bit too early, or the others were too late :-), I still made a little detour on the straps. Then we made our way to the Ulmiz. Part of the route went over the route of the classic belts, where the participants fought up last weekend in bad weather. Nevertheless, we arrived at these pleasantly warm temperatures sweat. The departure from anschliesende Ulmizberg is a dream every time! Numerous roots, deep mud holes and a little downhill make this trail just unique, so we have this trail is not less than 3 times successively completed :-)! When I wanted to free in Ostermundigen at a car wash my bike from the thick mud, I asked a motorist promt whether he should immediately mitwaschen me! But the mudslinging has been worth it ...
Conclusion: 42km / 1032Hm
route on GPSies: here
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