Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mini Usb To Rca Best Buy

Christmas twin screw Cloud airship

Thus the title of a wonderfully pretty cardboard cutout sheet from the studio
GAG. belong to the arc at moduni .
Cut out and assemble is all quite fast and when the Christmas
twin screw Cloud airship
suspended over a heat source, then turn the propeller.

There is also a single-propeller
Santa Claus on the back .... reminds me somehow of "Karlsson on the Roof" !:

Looks but really funny when it points propellert (by far!)
over a candle ...;-)
When propeller must be working very clean, so he turns

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mount And Blade Registration Number

& belly bine {

Modern Warfare Cake Ideas

plague of mice

I should probably cut my cat's diet!
hunts in the garden behind it all that moves
... and in the house? Since the mice cavort ....;-)

Bloons Tower Defense 4 Ipod Guide

exploding cucumber or Alien?

work but it has something for yourself in a botanical garden!
Where else would meet a family like a exploding cucumber ?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Get Plastic Suction Cups To Stick

Black Filzdose and a blackbird

Apart from the fact that the black wool is very soft
(for a fixed doses felting wool is better),
I like the result very good .

also quite nice ... a blackbird box :

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Margarita Bucket How Much Tequila


On Wednesday we start in freezing temperatures with our guides and Ramyu Ändu towards Chutzenturm. All were covered with warm clothes and helmet lamps. Ändu led us back by many beautiful trails through the almshouse and Tannwald. When it started to snow yet, the trails were even more slippery and harder climbs. With snow, the view is rapidly worse and the oncoming snow make it difficult to have open one's eyes completely. However, I am really looking forward to the coming celebration evening groups and the

all the snow trails! Good tip: If a cold on the feet is click-in/click-out just a turnout from the pedals. A large proportion of these cleats, which the cold lead in the shoe. After the snowfall was getting stronger and our heat reserves were small, we decided to drive back towards Zollikofen. Through the trails of the Buechwald we went back. Fortunately we have a local guide as Ändu, I would have found their way back after the first few miles are no longer :-)

Conclusion: 45.3km / 598Hm
route on GPSies: here


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stomach Pain For Over A Month

Berne-Visp 11.20.2010 11.17.2010

finish my bike season I again make a longer tour. The plan was to Zermatt from where I live Ostermundigen my home to drive. Unfortunately, I'm "only" to come to Visp, because my knee started to tweak. Next year I'll take it intended to attack again :-)

morning at 08:00 Clock I started in time for my tour. And I followed the Lötschberg Jura Route No. 64 , but in the opposite direction. The weather was very pleasant, partly cloudy, but not very cold! The morning dew melts and the foggy fields conjured up a fantastic Picture in nature! The first line ran along the Aare to the Uttigenschwelle where the Aare is crossed and the tour continues towards Kandersteg. Would you entlanfahren Route No. 8, they would be reached after a few kilometers tuna.

Crossing the bridge over the Simme giving to a great views of the Niesen and the Castle of Wimmis . The remaining route now led mostly on dirt roads past Mülenen and Reichenbach. In Reichenbach I decided to leave the marked route and head towards Frutigen. The marked route, I have already traveled this summer before and was not particularly impressed and so I chose a different direction this time. At Frutigen, turn then into Kander, where you can see the snow-covered level of car-train from a distance, there are so overcome a few meters.
The right begins to rise a few miles to Frutigen. Here are the fields and dirt roads covered with snow already! At the height of the blue lake then the roads and nature trails are completely covered with snow. However, these are still used, is with a uniform and a round pedals also possible on the icy surface driving. The Gemmipass I have already written off before, because this time of year The Pass is impassable. Even in summer the slopes are down to Leukerbad dangerous for bikers. Sorry I missed the passenger in Kandersteg with 5 minutes, but could go directly to the car train. On the train I was able to strengthen with bars and fruit. The first twinge in my knee has started :-(! The departure of Goppenstein is not very spectacular! The old car way down to Gampel can be left quickly behind him without a car driver and oncoming traffic.

Now began for me the hardest part the tour. The journey along the Rottu (Rhone) to Vispwar a struggle against the wind! The head wind was sometimes so strong that I feel quilting adventure in Stop driving. The 13 kilometers to Visp cost me so much strength and also tweaking the knee was stronger. Now go into the winter break to recharge your energy for the next year! The celebration evening group is of course not to break! :-)

Conclusion: 96.3km (without train) / 995Hm / Time: 4h 10min
route on GPSies: here

Meclizine High How Much

Feierabend group

Since Raymu Ändu and this time were not there, Petra led us through the trails around Bern! Was started again from the bike shop Leuthold Zollikofen. First we climbed the Schwarzkopf. Through the dense foliage on the ground, the climbs are getting harder and harder. The departures muddy on the trails require more concentration and attention! After the great departure from the black head, we decided the trail at the foot of the sail to Bantigen. The trail is very varied and can only by experienced bikers in one piece behind. In the end we still have the Hättenberg addressed. The trail there is not very long, but there are some short but ascents.

Conclusion: 23.4km / 507Hm
route on GPSies: here

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryer Get Paid?

Summery Saturday Tour in November!

What a weekend! With short pants and Longsleeve einenm thin we have made our way towards the belts and Ulmizberg. Despite the rain from Friday the ground was easy to drive and grip. As I bit too early, or the others were too late :-), I still made a little detour on the straps. Then we made our way to the Ulmiz. Part of the route went over the route of the classic belts, where the participants fought up last weekend in bad weather. Nevertheless, we arrived at these pleasantly warm temperatures sweat. The departure from anschliesende Ulmizberg is a dream every time! Numerous roots, deep mud holes and a little downhill make this trail just unique, so we have this trail is not less than 3 times successively completed :-)! When I wanted to free in Ostermundigen at a car wash my bike from the thick mud, I asked a motorist promt whether he should immediately mitwaschen me! But the mudslinging has been worth it ...

Conclusion: 42km / 1032Hm
route on GPSies: here

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Many Hp Did The 79 351m Have

whale {}

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Is The Likelihood Of Another World War

Gigathlon 2011 "on the rocks"

Almost a sleepless night I had behind me! The last registration for the 2010 in Thun Gigathlon the "team of five" were starting places within 1.5h all away because you can not know if the login portal will open on 11.11.2010, for some might seem a bit sound strange, but I've set the alarm clock every hour from 00:00 :-) When put then at 05:00 clock, the portal finally opened, I was able to secure me a spot immediately! Hooray, I'm on Gigathlon 2011 here in my home canton of Valais. Now I am working to make a super genius team on its feet! With last year's top swimmer Andrea, I have already an ace up its sleeve! For the other athletes negotiate I'm still on, but it looks very good! I am looking forward to this event and will prepare myself accordingly well as must be completed at this Gigathlon 30% more meters! Especially the running tracks here prove mt 2x15km and the 1600 meters as well topmast discipline. The routes can be viewed here. In total, completed this weekend and 11 351 km 111 `Hm! I will probably modify somewhat the racing calendar, and align those specific to the Gigathlon. The motto of the gigathlon is "on the rocks"! In the midst of countless four-thousand this will probably be a unique experience!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Primer On Acrylic Canvas

Feierabendgruppe 03.11.2010

On 03/11/2010 at 19:00 clock we met before the belt track to once again make the belts and the Ulimzer uncertain. The journey of a trail up to the belts. It offered a nice view up there on the city of Bern! The subsequent descent into Köniztal began for me with a bumpy fall over the handlebars! Unfortunately, I've cheated while the shoulder and got a slight headache. Well, a fall brings one, in the truest sense of the word, back to the ground :-). This was also the reason why I am not on 07/11/2010 belts classic attended, but what was bothering me a lot. I'm really looking forward to the race, but had the shoulder is not able to and I wanted to risk anything. The recovery is well under way and are as good as the pain away. In any case, I went with the group even further to the Ulmizberg and I still enjoyed the trails to the fullest! The trails are very technical and sometimes with the leaves on the paths of the ground is still very unpredictable and slippery.

my blog colleagues Marco Vosseler I would like to congratulate you for his great performance at the strapping classic! Super performance!

Conclusion: 31.7km / 826Hm / Travel time: 2h 3min
route on GPSies: here