Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Maxine Cartoon Sleeping

From the kitchen to the basement ...

the last few days I hardly got anything, because I just move house
... in future there is no Genöle more, because I
the kitchen with my blocking and Filzkram
somehow find more time in eating lint ...* hräm *.
I was first very skeptical about whether I should really go to ugly
cellar without daylight .... but now I'm very happy about it.
Weil: the laundry room is right next door, I'm down there
water supply and drainage, space & storage space, can leave something
and have especially my rest. * Laughs *
With some colorful stuff and carpets, it is now even very pretty:

has now also the owls template by the Darmstadt Vivarium
finally found a nice place :-)

I am soooo glad that I had saved the old wardrobe
front of bulky waste, since I can now put the nice stash
. This Hängeaufbewahrer are really great.

Well, these are the first house slippers, did not turn out
as I wanted them, but somehow also very nice.
'm still tinker and a bissel on embroidery ....

Sodele, should now resolve nor the WaMa, it is enough for now ;-)
Good night!


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