Sunday, March 6, 2011

Candy Katydids, Purchase

Every Sunday ... Week 9 ~ 2011

I rise briefly from obscurity, I was in the last few days but very lazy about writing. I missed a little the issues and the motivation - but I felt fine here:) Next week we continue with renewed vigor! Occasionally we also have to switch off times and I have fully enjoyed my semester break. Greetings from rural exile ...

first With two sheets for friends and pizza made and eaten.
second Stroll been and bought a little luxury for raclette.
third For the first time this year, had breakfast on the balcony.
For the first time this year was running back - even 2 times! Ouch ouch!
5. looong walk from the Saar and was made a little photo session - what a nice day!
6th Wondered whether the Pro have by Dr. G. demonstrators and no respect for science? * * Kopfschüttel
7th The parents of Mr. F GEDU - Relax in the country.

stop at Stuttgart main station and a small snack at the "Coffee Fellows")


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