Sunday, November 15, 2009

Painless Red Spot In Tongue

solln high they live!

good day,
after we largely in mui ne had recovered, it was said now to part of this beautiful place. So we got a heavy heart in the Dalat after half an hour late to a mandatory crowded minibus. I have been before you travel operated, as we were nehemen on child seats, my knees against the seat protruding screw, and take to my ear pressed to the asian jule gum chewing as Asians do just me and a little old man his folding chair on the foot beat. jule me but I've finally gtroestet and brave as the horn from iceage smiled, WHILE we bumped from pothole to pothole. hours after passing by in a five we arrived in Dalat. here we got something before us initially lost, but in the evening in the backpacker cafe we met people quickly so we could gather a few ideas for the day. on day 1 in Dalat, we went on tour with two easy riders who are very cozy chopper on their little machines, the area around Dalat and brought us closer bestowed great and outlooks. so we could marvel at the complete seidenprodunktion, flowers and coffee plantations to visit and great waterfalls descend. But it was nice especially the landscape regard during the procedure. Day 2 we spent trekking tour with a broad. to climb our gide and two very pleasant hollaender us two mountains neheliegenden 2000m, and I must admit that we started already at an altitude of 1450m. but it is still hard, mhm! The next day we drove around the morning after the Sleeper nathrang the coast. we were staying there for 6 hours, we rented a moped and we watched the harbor, the aquarium and the bays. The beach is beautiful here but not as in the ne mui. Therefore we repent of our stop over and could not in good conscience to rise at night in the sleeping bus to Hoi An, where we had more business towards. Today we have the cutters, 2 suits with shirts and ties, two winter jackets, 1 dress and a leather bag placed in order. tomorrow and after tomorrow we will spend the tailored matters to be adapted. hoi also has a beautiful old town on offer with many local and a total of over 200 brans cut clean. Users searching asia cheap tailor come to come here. suddenly see for yourself the abgewraktesten peeled backpacker like from the egg. if the clothes are finished north goes on to hue direction. This city belongs to the World Heritage by UNESCO, and a visit to also be very rewarding.
up soon and all the best wishes!


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