Saturday, November 28, 2009

Implantation Bleeding At 5 Weeks?

colorful mixture in hoi an


Hoi An has finally for us as one of the highlights of the trip emerged. next to the beautiful old town, the surroundings had to offer so much more. middle of the night we visited the first time the beach and threw us straight into the flood. The next day we went there again and were simply amazed. This beach was much nicer than in mui ne and nathrang. The waves were great 2-3 m high, so that one could throw out agendas and belly surf. also we had met great people with whom we spent our time. there was stefan Switzerland from the one we had already met in dallat, emanuela in Genoa, Italy and boris from lyon, france. during our visit to several cutters the choice we have finally a 11.5 kg packet to send home. it should be in 3 months there.

even 2 months after a typhoon here was all under water. in many restaurants, this was still on the walls height of 3 m to see. when we were there was the river knees every evening on the shore was, but the water up to the hoechstents us.

after four days we traveled by bus to Hue ...


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